You don’t have to spend all your time thinking about what you’re doing, you just let it happen. Let’s put some happy little clouds in our world. There isn’t a rule. You just practice and find out which way works best for you. Just a little indication. A thin paint will stick to a thick paint.
Maybe there was an old trapper that lived out here and maybe one day he went to check his beaver traps, and maybe he fell into the river and drowned. Absolutely no pressure. You are just a whisper floating across a mountain. Every time you practice, you learn more. You’re the greatest thing that has ever been or ever will be. You’re special. You’re so very special. It is a lot of fun. Just let this happen. We just let this flow right out of our minds.
Every highlight needs it’s own personal shadow. We have no limits to our world. We’re only limited by our imagination. Look around, look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere, you only have to look to see it. You can create beautiful things – but you have to see them in your mind first. Let’s put a touch more of the magic here.
I’m sort of a softy, I couldn’t shoot Bambi except with a camera. You can create the world you want to see and be a part of. You have that power. Be brave.
Maybe there’s a happy little Evergreen that lives here. Paint anything you want on the canvas. Create your own world. And that’s when it becomes fun – you don’t have to spend your time thinking about what’s happening – you just let it happen. Learn when to stop. You create the dream – then you bring it into your world.
Here’s another little happy bush You have freedom here. The only guide is your heart. All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind. The very fact that you’re aware of suffering is enough reason to be overjoyed that you’re alive and can experience it.
Have fun with it. Just a happy little shadow that lives in there. Let’s make some happy little clouds in our world. When things happen – enjoy them. They’re little gifts. When you buy that first tube of paint it gives you an artist license.
Any little thing can be your friend if you let it be. Isn’t that fantastic? You can just push a little tree out of your brush like that. Just think about these things in your mind and drop em’ on canvas. Now it’s beginning to make a little sense. We’ll put a happy little sky in here. In life you need colors.
All you need is a dream in your heart, and an almighty knife. We don’t have to be committed. We are just playing here. You can’t make a mistake. Anything that happens you can learn to use – and make something beautiful out of it.
This is unplanned it really just happens. Take your time. Speed will come later. If I paint something, I don’t want to have to explain what it is. We tell people sometimes: we’re like drug dealers, come into town and get everybody absolutely addicted to painting. It doesn’t take much to get you addicted. We have a fantastic little sky!